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Friday, 23 March 2012

Mumbai Hotel, March 2012

London will host the Olympics in 2012 and a rudderless England football team will play in the European Finals. Beyond these minor sporting sideshows there is the matter of the 10,000 Birds year lists. It is not, I repeat NOT a competition. There will be neither prize nor accolade, no winner, no garland. But…….

Rose-ringed Parakeet

We all have our own self-imposed restrictions. Greg, for example, is only counting Corvids and Clare K will only include birds that contain a capital ‘R’. My list will be restricted to birds found by public transport or my own energies. Since the flights are considered a necessary part of my employment, these will be disregarded and the game starts from the hotel. Luckily our hotel had a small garden and I was able to manage a quick minute before pick up and find a few qualifying birds as seen below.

It was such a quick flit that I missed a warbler and a sunbird, but got a good look at the Coppersmith Barbet.

Birds seen; 8
Black Kite 1, Alexandrine Parakeet 6, Rose-ringed Parakeet 2, Coppersmith Barbet 7, Red-vented Barbet 1, Oriental Magpie-robin 4, House Crow 80, Common Myna 2,

Vist the dedicated India page for posts from New Delhi, Bangalore and more posts from Mumbai, including Powai Lake and Sanjay Gandhi National Park.


  1. Adders have been quite active in Vinters Park in the past
    I have to admit I have not seen any there myself lately, Tim

  2. Back home in the Wild West, time whips by with the relentless and terrible purpose of a stranglevine vine filmed in fast motion. A week, two months, ten years snap past like amnesia, a continual barrage of workdays, appointments, dinner dates and laundromats, television shows and video cassettes, parking meters, paydays and phone calls.
