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Saturday, 10 September 2011

UNAM Botanical Gardens, Mexico City, Aug 2011

UNAM Botanical  Gardens is a very short taxi ride from Bosque de Tlalpan and a visit to both sites fits easily into a day. Students were jogging on the road and canoodling on the lawns which left me feeling somewhat intrusive with my binoculars and camera.

A few Inca Doves and a Blue Grosbeak found a bit of lawn space and a Western Wood Pewee hawked from a tall eucalyptus tree.
Grey Silky Flycatchers were fairly common, but I missed any thrushes that may have been around. Actually the only thrushes that I have seen on the whole trip were a small flock of Western Bluebirds on the volcano.
Along the main road through the gardens a brushy, scrubby area gave up a Wilson's Warbler, Black-and-White Warbler and a Black-headed Grosbeak. A Loggerhead Shrike waited to pounce from a feature plant in the cactus garden.

During my last visit to the gardens, I was required to obtain a permit to take photographs, but on this occasion, without my tripod, the requirement was waived. However the copyright is reserved for UNAM should they ever wish to use any of the pictures.

Even so, the couples were courting so vigorously that I preferred to leave them in peace and seek out the odonata of the rock pools.

Blue-faced Darners were very common again with a large and burgeoning population of Arroyo Bluets in the low vegetation.

Beyond the garden gates, a stand of eucalypts held some more Grey Silky Flycatchers and a pair of Bushtit.
I had entered from the southern end, the lecturers' car park, and left by the northern gate. On the main road, to the right, a bus stop services a student bus that runs via the Universidad Metro station. Taxis are a little hit and miss here, but one can usually be found after a short wait.

Species seen; 13

Inca Dove 10, American Barn Swallow 12, Grey Silky Flycatcher 8, Curve-billed Thrasher 1, Blue-grey Gnatcatcher 1, Bushtit 6, Loggerhead Shrike 1, House Finch 15, Black-and-white Warbler 1, Wilson's Warbler 1, Canyon Towhee 4, Black-headed Grosbeak 1, Blue Grosbeak 1.

 Canyon Towhee

More posts from in and around Mexico City can be found below;

UNAM Botanical  Gardens, Mexico City

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