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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Camera test.

It looks as if Spring could be in the air. We have had a few days of brighter and above all, drier weather and the sap is beginning to rise. I took a quick visit to the reserve at Elmlea on the Isle of Sheppey in the Thames Estuary, hoping to catch a Short-eared Owl.

Male Northern Lapwings were rolling and squeaking in their courtship displays. A male Reed Bunting was splendid in his seasonal best and stood out, proud in the phragmites, hoping to impress the ladies.

A big thank you goes out to my birdy buddy Martin who has lent me his camera while mine is at the menders. If I hadn’t had to take it for a quick test, I wouldn’t have enjoyed the Short-eared Owl hunting over the marsh.

Thanks Martin, I will get the camera back to you as soon as I can. 


  1. Lovely shots of the Owl in flight - a good friend to lend a camera!

  2. Wonderful pictures of Short-eared Owl. Your blog is very interesting.
    Greetings from Poland/Michał and Piotr
