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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious, Brisbane, Aug 2012

To the east of Brisbane is a large area of forested hills known as D’Aguilar National Park. Mount Nebo Road joins Mount Glorious Road to allow easy access and runs past the delightful Maiala Park (Google Earth ref; 27°20'0.73"S 152°45'47.02"E. This picnic area has grassy areas with forest edge and also boasts a rainforest walk.

We stopped a couple of times along the way. At a look-out point, a Pied Butcherbird watched over its youngster. We dropped into a café for some tea. While I watched the Bell Miners in the trees by the car park, my wife and son were treated to a tableful of Sulphur-crested Cockatoos and Australian King Parrots which had gathered to take advantage of the sunflower seeds liberally sprinkled there. If you should ever feel the need for a nice cup of tea, or for that matter, catering hygiene, I would drive past this café. If you just want to feed some fantastic birds, this is the place for you.

Other birds seen during the drive included Satin Bowerbird, Laughing Kookaburra and as ever, Australian Magpie.
While the family relaxed in the sunshine after the chill of the early morning, I took a stroll around the open area and forest edge of the picnic site. Grey Shrike-thrushes were easily found and Eastern Yellow Robins sat out more boldly than I have seen elsewhere. Brown Gerygones picked, warbler-like, through the leaves of the trees while Yellow-browed Scrubwrens kept to the lower levels.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoos

The rainforest track is well signed and describes a two kilometre loop. Huge buttressed trees and strangler figs lined the trail, but the undergrowth was very scant. Occasionally, a fallen tree allowed light through for the lower vegetation to flourish and Yellow-browed Scrubwrens were found here. Eastern Whipbirds ran along the forest floor between the trunks and after checking the field guide, a pale, yellow robin turned out to be a Pale-yellow Robin.

Australian King Parrot

Birds seen; 24

Australian Brush-turkey 2, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 15, Rainbow Lorikeet 1, Australian King Parrot 10, Laughing Kookaburra 1, Satin Bowerbird 2, Lewin’s Honeyeater 1, Bell Miner 10, Noisy Miner 15, Yellow-throated Scrubwren 5, Brown Gerygone 2, Eastern Whipbird 2, Pied Butcherbird 2, Australian Magpie 4, Pied Currawong 4, Golden Whistler 3, Rufous Whistler 1, Grey Shrike-thrush 4, Grey Fantail 2, Pale-yellow Robin 1, Eastern Yellow Robin 4.

Follow the links below for other posts from Brisbane;

Visit the dedicated Australia Page for more from the region including; Sydney Botanical Gardens and Bi-Centennial Park

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