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Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Montlake Fill, Seattle

An otherwise quiet day was lifted by meeting up with my reader at Montlake Fill, aka Union Bay Natural Area. I had mis-timed my arrival and had to wait for the light. When the dawn broke, I set out down the path along the Montlake Cut. Silhouetted against a lightening sky were Double Crested Cormorants and a tree-ful of crows. You will note that I am avoiding being specific about the crows. See the previous Seattle post for details and information about Montlake Fill and how to get there.
The weak early light reflected on the water of Union Bay, showing a large raft of ducks huddled tightly together, but they were too far out to be discernable yet. The white tail of one of the resident Bald Eagles was just visible in the gloom. Closer in among the small islands near the sailing club, I was able to make out the details of a couple of Wood Duck, Some Gadwall and Mallard. The white markings of a male Hooded Merganser and a small group of Bufflehead were more obvious. Two Beavers were making their way between the islands. Their eyes and nostrils situated at the top of their heads allowed them to maintain a very low profile in the water. One of the adult Eagles appeared suddenly and landed in a tree closeby. Beyond the rowing club, I stopped for a while to watch the Bufflehead and to try to identify a hawk way off. I suspect Coopers, but could not be sure. At last the light became strong enough to make photography worthwhile and I started with a female Green-winged Teal. Beyond her in the narrow channel that lead out to the main water, a Great Blue Heron stood motionless waiting for his breakfast to approach within reach. A footbrdge took me across the channel into the carpark of the Union Bay Nature Reserve. At the first junction of the path a flock of 5 Golden-crowned Sparrows were digging through the gravel.
The light was improving now so I was heading towards the shore of Union Bay to get a better look a that large raft of duck. I was sidetracked by the overgrown pond which has produced otter and other excitements in the past. It was here that I met Amy, my reader. It was a pleasure to meet her again and we took a turn around the reserve together before she had to head off to work. We saw an Anna's Hummingbird, which surprised me at this time of year. I know that some people, in Vancouver for example, leave sugar-feeders out all year. Would the hummingbirds be able to over-winter otherwise I wonder? At the lake I was able to get a better look at the large flock which proved to be mostly made up of coot and Wigeon. Closer inspection revealed a few Lesser Scaup and at least one Canvasback. The red-winged Blackbirds were singing from vantage points in the trees, bushes and reeds. You would think it was spring the way they were carrying on. A Lincoln's Sparrow briefly showed, low down in a tangle. Passing back past the overgrown pond produced a Belted Kingfisher, but not the Wilson's Snipe that Amy had mentioned earlier. Sibley does not mention Wilson's Snipe, nor does Peterson. National Geographic mentions it in passing as the former name for Common Snipe. It is a popular inclusion in posts on however and my colleague G.L. has spoken of it. I would not know how to differentiate it from a Common Snipe, but since I saw neither, it did not present me with a problem.
Since writing the above, I have checked through my assorted information sources and have prepared a Wilson's Snipe ID pack in case I ever face the challenge of the subtle differences between the two.
I have found that the Wilson's Snipe Gallinago delicata is also known as a Fantail Snipe. It was previously conspecific with the Common Snipe and in many accounts, is still considered thus.
It can be differentiated from G. gallinago by conspicuous white trailing edges to the wings.
It is distributed from the Aleutian Islands and Alaska to the southern USA. It winters to the northern part of South America.
As I trekked my way back past the rowing club, a disturbance in the water caught my attention. A River Otter was hunting around and under the floating docks while a Pied-billed Grebe watched on. While I say "hunting", otters manage to make even the essential chores of life look fun. Perhaps she was just playing. A heron sitting out on a birch snag with the browns of the season in the background made my favourite picture of the day.
I was just preparing to put the camera away after this shot when an immature Bald Eagle flew over with something in it's talons. It settled in a tree above the sailing club and fed on it. Dark feathers fell from the prey showing that the young bird was quickly taking a lead from it's parents who are said to feed exclusively on the waterbirds of the bay. I noticed on the few occasion that I saw eagles today, that they get harassed far more than the eagles of Boundary Bay, Vancouver (see post 20th December). Perhaps the birds at Boundary Bay see so many eagles that they can't afford the time to mob them all. At Union Bay the eagles are fewer and further between, allowing the smaller birds a rest and a chance to feed before having to chase off the next predator. The young eagle was not allowed to settle even though it was pre-occupied with it's lunch and probably not an immediate threat. It was harried from the sailing club to the top of a conifer on the lawns outside the stadium dropping it's lunch as it left. From there it flew back out over the water and was gone.

Mammal species;

Beaver 2, River Otter 1.

Bird species; 34

Pied-billed Grebe 5, Double-crested Cormorant 200, Great Blue Heron 4, Wood Duck 4, Mallard 60, Gadwall 50, American Wigeon 500, Northern Shoveler 4, Green-winged Teal 40, Canvasback 1, Lesser Scaup 60, Bufflehead 80, Hooded Merganser 12, Common Merganser 5, Ruddy Duck 1, Red-tailed Hawk 1, Bald Eagle 3, American Coot 800, Kildeer 2, Anna’s Hummingbird 3, Belted Kingfisher 2, American Crow 300, Black-capped Chickadee 4, Bewick’s Wren 2, Marsh Wren 1, Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1, American Robin 10, Starling 15, Spotted Towhee 3, Golden-crowned Sparrow 4, Lincoln’s Sparrow 2, Song Sparrow 15, Red-winged Blackbird 20, American Goldfinch 15.

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Twitching in Vancouver

Today was to be a “twitch”. G.L. had put me on to a Gyrfalcon at Boundary bay south of Vancouver (incidentally, G.L. has been responsible for nearly 20 lifers for me this year and still, I haven’t bought him a beer. Soon pal, honest). I kept an eye on the falcon through posts on and was pleased to note that it was staying in the area. Thank you to the members of bcvanbirds who replied to my request for information and directions. The excellent, new Canada Line whisked me from downtown Vancouver to Bridgeport Station in 17 minutes. From there it was a simple skip on the 351 from bus stop 8 to Matthew’s Exchange. 96th St. starts just east of here and heads 2kms south to the Boundary Bay Dyke Trail. As I alighted from the bus, I thought I saw the first rays of the sun breaking through the clouds. But once I got my bearings, I realised that the lights were in the west and were in fact the lights from huge arrays of greenhouses, reflecting off the low cloud.
There was no sunrise today, just a gradual, insipid change from dark to murky as I walked south on 96th St. But, I was in perfect position, arriving as dawn coincided with a tide approaching it’s highest point.
As soon as I breasted the rise on to the dyke, there were birds, thousands of them. Immediately obvious were the Pintail and Teal on the water right in front of me and the Dunlin wheeling in flocks right across the bay. Further out was a tightly packed raft of scaup. Flying over were small groups of Glaucous-winged Gulls.
The dyke, with the trail on top, runs along the north shore of Boundary Bay and protects farms and a couple of airports from the sea. The tide today was reaching nearly to the trail itself. This left the Dunlin with nowhere to rest and the sky across the bay was thick with clouds of birds. When some of the flocks amalgamated, they formed a thick band of birds that filled the entire width of my vision.
I do not recall seeing so many raptors at one go before. Bald Eagle, Northern Harrier and Peregrine Falcons ensured that all the birds on the bay were on their guard. At one point 2 peregrines were harassing a flock of Dunlin. A Merlin caught a sparrow from the grasses on the shoreline.
But my goal today was a mast to the west of 96th St. that the Gyrfalcon was said to frequent. I scoped the tower from a couple of different positions, but could not see anything. I was prepared for this and had a plan in mind. I began to walk towards the east with the intention of doing so until the sun appeared. Then I would return to the west with the good light following me and facilitating some magnificent photography. The cloud stayed obstinately thick and low and I would probably still be heading east, if I hadn’t run in to Monica at 104th St.
Monica was conducting a shorebird survey for Bird Study Canada. To do this she was counting Dunlin. Not a job I would relish. She was heading west, so I imposed myself upon her and together, we returned the way I had come. More peregrines were attacking the flocks, but the falcon I wanted to see was much bigger than these. At up to 3lbs, the Gyrfalcon is bigger than a Red-tailed Hawk and only marginally smaller than an Osprey.
From a distance, Monica was able to pick out a shape on top of the mast. Could this be the Gyrfalcon?
A Short-eared Owl showed briefly and a nice flock of American Goldfinches flitted through the bushes inland from the dyke. A formation of Trumpeter Swans flew over.
As we got closer, the shape was certainly that of a falcon. At our closest approach to the mast, identification was still inconclusive. The wings did not appear to reach the end of the tail and the facial markings of a peregrine were not apparent. So evidence was favouring the Gyrfalcon, but this was outweighed by the size. It seemed far too small. We were still 250meters from the mast so scale was difficult to judge, but I was not happy. I took some photos and hoped that they would prove decisive when I blew them up on the computer.The bird seemed settled and did not look inclined to fly, so we left him and turned our attention bay-wards again. The tide was receding now and the Dunlin at last had somewhere to land and feed. But they were still easily spooked and the never-ending stream of harriers and eagles would not allow them to settle. Two of the eagles put on an aerobatic display of close-proximity flying.
Monica managed to entice me into her car with the promise of a Snowy Owl. This would be a great consolation if the Gyrfalcon was not confirmed.
We made our way round to 72nd St. and parked at the corner of the golf course there. Bald Eagles were very much in evidence on the way there with probably another dozen birds spotted en-route.
The area at 72nd St. has a salt marsh that does not get inundated except at much higher tides than today. Sadly there were no Snowy Owls (possibly due to hunters with dogs), but we did see a couple of Red-tailed Hawks which reinforced my feeling that the falcon on the mast was too small. Monica was surprised to see a small flock of Western Meadowlark.
I send a big thank you to Monica for her company and local expertise and for dropping me back to the train station on an afternoon that was turning chilly. On the way, just before we passed under the Frazer River. Monica topped out the day with some Common Mergansers.
Once I arrived home, I eagerly up-loaded my photos to the computer, but cannot make any more detail than I had before. If anyone from bcvanbirds is prepared to venture an opinion on the Gyrfalcon, I would be very pleased to be put out of my misery. Or if the mast builder could tell me for example that the vanes at the top of the tower are 12 feet long, that would give an idea of scale.
Stop Press, 2 independent observers have confirmed the Gyrfalcon. Thanks guys!
If Monica reads this, I wonder what she will make of my counting?

Birds species; 31

Great Blue Heron 8, Trumpeter Swan 9, Brent Goose 16, Mallard 30. Wigeon 800, Pintail 4000, Teal 700, Common Merganser 9, Bald Eagle 30, Northern Harrier 9, Red-tailed Hawk 2, Merlin 1, Peregrine 4, Gyrfalcon 1, Short-eared Owl 1, Grey Plover 80, Greater Yellowlegs 5. Glaucous-winged Gull 400, Dunlin 15000, Sanderling 1, Northern Flicker 1, American Robin 8, Northwestern Crow 18, Black-capped Chickadee 2, Song Sparrow 6, White-throated Sparrow 4, Spotted Towhee 1, Western Meadowlark 5, American Goldfinch 50,House Finch 8, Brewer’s Blackbird 100, Common Starling 150,

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Singapore Botanical Gardens

Singapore’s weather is easily predictable, to the extent that I do not ever recall seeing a forecast on Singapore television. White-breasted Waterhen
While in the temperate climate of the UK, we have a fascination with the vagaries of our weather, the Singaporeans know that theirs will be hot and humid with rain later. The only variable is at what time the rain will start. Today it was 11.00 Actually, this post is an amalgam of two outings. I was not satisfied with my camera work on the first visit, so returned the next day to see if I could get it right.
In truth, I was planning a dragonfly post, but since there were some birds presenting themselves well, I decided to make a brief description on the bird blog too. The corresponding post is on
I knew that rain was imminent, so chose to go to Singapore Botanical Gardens. It is easily accessible, taking only 15 minutes on a no.7 bus from outside the Capitol Building. I entered the gardens via the Napier Road gate at 06.00, shortly before sunrise. The gardens are open from 05.00 until midnight and entrance is free.
As usual in the early light, the air was filled with the calls of the Asian Koel. A male flew across the road ahead. The inevitable Javan Mynas were very noticeable throughout the gardens, but my attention was caught by a Collared Kingfisher waiting to have his photo taken. Since this started as a dragonfly post, I was focussing my attention around the various bodies of water, but following up interesting bird opportunities when they presented themselves. I heard the resonant, woody call of a Lineated Barbet and tracked it down in a fruiting fig tree nearby. A pair of very noisy Common Goldenbacks arrived into the same tree and threw the barbet into a frenzy of calling and posturing.
Above me, were about 40 swiftlets, feeding 10 meters up. It is said that it is not possible to differentiate between Edible-nest Swiftlets and Black-nest Swiftlets in the field. Certainly, I could not come to a decision between the two. While I was trying, a young Oriental Magpie Robin came and joined me on the bench.
I found myself near to the rainforest section of the gardens. Being aware that November had been a very slow month for blogging, I wanted to give my reader something to keep him clicking. The forested area is only very small but the more extensive forests at Bukit Timah and The Central Catchment Area are close by. So there is no telling what may be in the small forest section on any given day. Today, I witnessed a confrontation between a myna and a Banded Woodpecker.Possession of a hole seems to have sparked the dispute. After a time sizing each other up, the woodpecker lunged at the myna. The two birds fell, locked together for about 40 feet through the foliage, only separating when they hit the ground.
Back on the lawns by Symphony lake, a pair of Lesser Whistling Ducks were very approachable which made me wary of their wild status. There are Mute and Black Swans in the gardens as exotics. I saw two Hill Mynas early in the day, but their ability to wolf whistle and their extensive show tunes repertoire must disallow them on this occasion.
The most productive area of the two visits was Eco Pond. Here I found 4 Yellow Bittern, Blue-tailed Bee-eaters, Olive-backed Sunbird, Zebra Dove, and White-breasted Waterhen around the edges of the water. On a palm-filled island in the pond were Pink-necked Green Pigeon, Asian Glossy Starling, a Black-crowned Night Heron and another bittern.

The garden is a well utilised city park. From first light there are people jogging meditating or practicing Tai Chi. Dogs are leashed. From my experience it seems a very safe place to walk alone.
It has 3 main bodies of water, plus a few damp patches where I spent most of my time with the odonata on this trip. There are lawns and palms, a ginger garden and the national orchid collection. A small patch of remnant rainforest can be productive on it’s day.

Mammal species; 2

Plantain Squirrel 8, Palm Squirrel 4Bird species; 25

Black-crowned Night Heron 1, Yellow Bittern 5, Lesser Whistling Duck 5, White-breasted Waterhen 8, Pink-necked Green pigeon 16, Spotted Dove 14, Zebra Dove 2, Long-tailed Parakeet 1, Asian Koel 3, Collared Kingfisher 2, Dollarbird 2, Lineated Barbet 3, Common Goldenback 3, Banded Woodpecker 1, swiftlet spp Asian Palm Swift 6, Yellow-vented Bulbul 8, Black Drongo 2, Magpie Robin 8, Asian Glossy Starling 15, Javan Myna 60, Common Myna 5, Plain Throated Sunbird 3, Olive-backed Sunbird 1, Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker 6, Tree Sparrow 5.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Glossy Ibis at Oare Marshes

December 1st.
What with one thing and another, I have not been out with my binoculars for nearly 6 weeks! That is a very long time to be indoors. So I found a window and scrambled out into the December chill. I headed for Oare Marshes at Faversham on the Thames Estuary.
I stopped on the road that bisects the reserve and had a quick scan across the eastern floods. A number of small islands give good roosting at high tide for the many waders that love to feed in the estuary. On the islands today were Golden plovers. They out-numbered everything else combined it seemed. One still maintained the remnants of it’s summer black. Northern Lapwings are always abundant here and made up the next most populous species. The bronze award went to the Redshank. One island appeared to be the sole domain of the Black-tailed Godwit. There are often a few bar-tails amongst them, but I couldn’t winkle one out today. Closer inspection showed a few others such as Dunlin and Ringed Plover.
Other numerous species were; Cormorant, Greylag Goose, Shoveler, Mallard, Wigeon, Teal and Coot.
I set out from the car park along the path that runs beside the estuary, heading towards the Sea Wall hide. The estuary to my left was just approaching high slack water.
A couple of Bearded Reedlings bent the reed stalks over as I approached the hide, but they did not come into the open for a good view. Out on the water were Herring, Common and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Great Crested Grebes and a few Cormorants flying over.
Beyond the hide, the path bears south along the eastern side of the reserve.The light is much preferable in this direction although the sun was weak in the early December morning. Looking back across the eastern floods I was watching the island covered in Godwits when suddenly everything took to the air. Is there a term for the sudden take-off of all the birds? We use expressions like “something has put the birds up”, or the like, but is there not an onomatopoeic word like a “whoomph” or an indication of panic like a “flapper”?
So…, the godwits whoomphed in a flapper. Hmmm?
There was not a bird of prey obvious, but flying over was a Glossy Ibis (a newby for my UK list), it’s long, curved bill easily visible. It was flying north towards Sheppey. There are a few ibis around at the moment with a handful staying over at Dungeoness currently.
I noticed another small group of reedlings and settled on the bank hoping that they would come out for a picture. I had to wait quite a while, but eventually one of the males found a clear place to sit. I continued on the path leading along Faversham Creek as far as the outflow where a Rock Pipit watched from the rail.
Another whoomph signalled a big flapper(this isn't working. Any sensible suggestions will be considered). Looking round, there was the ibis flying over again. As it came towards me, head-on, it did have the look of a raptor about it. I feel that the birds were reacting to the ibis. Perhaps they were being cautious and whoomphing in response to the perceived threat of a big, unfamiliar shape. I returned the way I had come to take advantage of the dropping water level and watched the birds flying over on to the freshly exposed mud. Redshanks were first out. Soon there were Dunlin and Black-tailed Godwits too. A Ruddy Turnstone picked amongst the seaweed on the rock by the seawall.
The afternoon darkened very quickly and my internal clock was telling me to head home, but when I got to my car it was only 14.00 so I took a quick walk onto the western scrape.I had hoped that Short-eared Owl might put in an appearance. Apparently it is a poor year for short-ears, but a Barn Owl put in a great performance as understudy.

Bird species; 53

Little Grebe 8, Great Crested Grebe 4, Cormorant 20, Little Egret 3, Grey Heron 1, Glossy Ibis 1, Mute Swan 4, Greylag Goose 25, Brent Goose 40, Shelduck 35, Mallard 6, Pintail 5, Shoveler 60, Wigeon 30, Teal 150, Tufted Duck 12, Marsh Harrier 1, Common Buzzard 1, Kestrel 3, Peregrine Falcon 1, Pheasant 5, Common Moorhen 15, Coot 50, Oystercatcher 4, Ringed Plover 2, Golden Plover 1200, Northern Lapwing 600, Turnstone 3, Dunlin 200, Redshank 500, Black-tailed Godwit 300,Curlew 6, Snipe 6, Ruff 2, Lesser Black-back Gull 2, Black-headed Gull 8, Common Gull 4, Herring Gull 10, Wood Pigeon 6, Barn Owl 1, Kingfisher 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Rock Pipit 1, Pied Wagtail 1, Robin 2, Blackbird 4, Blue Tit 3, Bearded Reedling 6, Magpie 6, Carrion Crow 6, Starling 60, Green Finch 12, Reed Bunting 10.

Tuesday, 27 October 2009

The more time I have, the faster it goes.

My nemesis, Time, has been stalking me again this week. Whether it was the wrong sort of time, unfortunate timing, or simply, not enough time, our week has been dogged by clock-watching, speeding and incidents of, “you’ve just missed it”. This picture of a Wood Sandpiper for example, is brought to you instead of the Leopard that we would have seen if we hadn’t stopped.
My buddy, Martin, joined me for a trip to Johannesburg in South Africa. Martin is my lucky talisman when it comes to finding big cats. For example, he has a 100% record of finding lions, 75% for Cheetah and Leopard, and 100% for wild Tigers too! It was a long trip and we saw lots of stuff, so, if you are sitting comfortably, I shall begin.
I had planned the trip too tightly and almost immediately it became clear that we would have to drop a couple of sites. We started at Marievale, a superb wetland sanctuary southwest of JNB International Airport. Then on day two, we travelled to the Kruger National Park by way of Dullstroom’s grasslands and the montane forest at Mount Sheba. The whole of day three was spent in Kruger and we returned back to catch the flight home on day four after an early morning drive out of the National Park. All these sites are described in detail on the excellent website

Day 1;
Martin’s suitcase didn’t arrive and we wasted a couple of hours waiting and filling forms before we were able to collect the car and start for Marievale. South Africa is preparing their infrastructure for the World Cup next year which involves lots of road works and thus, traffic. We didn’t arrive at Marievale until gone midday.
We stopped along the agricultural approach roads and our list was already mounting. Long-tailed Widows were very obvious with their exuberant breeding plumage easily identified from distance. One sat close to the road for our first pictures. A wet area beside the road held Ruff, Three-banded Plover, Cape Wagtail and Levaillant’s Cisticola. Dry areas where the vegetation had been allowed to go to seed were full of Southern Masked Weaver, Red Bishop and Red-billed Quelea.
When we reached Marievale our first stop was at Otter Hide. To my great delight and as if to prove that the naming of hides is not just on a whim, Martin spotted an otter. It was a Spot-throated Otter that was certainly aware of our presence, but seemed cautiously accepting. The birds seen from the hide were Reed Cormorant, Squacco Heron, Red-knobbed Coot and a reed warbler that started a disagreement that is not yet resolved.Southern Masked Weaver
One of the constants of a trip with Martin is that at least one bird will cause an identification argument between us that will continue through the whole itinerary. Despite numerous views we simply could not decide what we were looking at. The reed warbler looked like being our issue of the week.
There is a good deal of reed-bed and water to explore before the entrance gate is reached and we worked our way along the road stopping for Goliath Heron, African Spoonbill, Red-billed Teal, Hotentot Teal, Yellow-billed Duck, Cape Shoveller and Southern Pochard.
A Red Bishop male who was just coming in to his breeding plumage looked like the Prince of Darkness out of the depths of HadesInside the sanctuary, we stopped at the Duiker Hide. White-throated Swallows sat on the cormorant posts with an African Darter. Out on the water a pair of Great Crested Grebes was courting and some White-breasted Cormorants and Black-winged Stilts were hauled up on a far off, raised mud-bank. A causeway crosses the water and leads to the Shelduck Hide on the far bank. The causeway has always been a very productive area and today, gave us our second otter. It could have been the same one. It acted in a very similar manner, cautious, but curious. It was very active not staying on the surface for more than a couple of seconds before diving and resurfacing a few meters away. Yet it made no attempt to escape our attentions.Reed warbler calls and songs re-ignited our discussions and 2 warblers of different sizes only served to confuse us further.
At the Shelduck Hide, Martin had his moment of the day. A Black Heron, though quite distant, was fishing in it’s own unique way. The heron pulled it’s wings over it’s head to shade the water and enable it to see it’s prey below. At this, Martin let out an emotional sigh and admitted that he had been waiting to see that for a very long time. Our fieldguides disagreed as to whether the bird was a heron or an egret, but this would not detract from Martin’s satisfaction.
Returning towards the causeway to start our way home, we had a good crop of chats including Mountain Chat, Stonechat, Cape Robin Chat and Capped Wheatear.
A pair of Blacksmith Plover was excitedly dive-bombing a Yellow Mongoose and chased it off. Possibly it had been trying to raid their nest, or had just unluckily wandered too close.
Beyond the causeway, something caught my eye and a look through my binoculars showed a short-muzzled fox-like canid. It appeared to be looking at us over the rim of a den, nervously peeking out, then, ducking back below the mounds of loose soil. We were able to take photos and look up in our mammal book to find that it was a Cape Fox. So that was 2 new mammals today that were not squirrels.

Bird species 64
Little Grebe 4, Great Crested Grebe 3, White-breasted Cormorant 3, Long-tailed Cormorant 15, African Darter 1, Black-headed Heron 2, Goliath Heron 1, Purple Heron 5, Black Heron 1, Cattle Egret 30, Squacco Heron 10, Little Bittern 1, Sacred Ibis 25, Hadada Ibis 30, Glossy Ibis 2, African Spoonbill 1, Egyptian Goose 2,Yellow-billed Duck 30, Red-billed Duck 6, Hotentot Teal 4, Cape Shoveller 3, Southern Pochard 6, Black-shouldered Kite 3, Tufted Guineafowl 8, Black Crake 2, African Swamphen 1, Common Moorhen 5, Red-knobbed Coot 45, Blacksmith Lapwing 16, Wattled Lapwing 2, Three-banded Lapwing 2, African Snipe 3, Whiskered Tern 6, White-winged Tern 1, Red-eyed Dove 2, Ring-necked Dove 12, Laughing Dove 20, African Palm Swift 12, Little Swift 120, White-rumped Swift 30, Malachite Kingfisher 1, Pied Kingfisher 2, Plain Martin 40, White-throated Swallow 6, Greater Striped Swallow 15, Cape Longclaw 2, Cape Wagtail 8, Levaillant’s Cisticola 3, Cape Robin-chat 2, Common Stonechat 40, Mountain Wheatear 2, Capped Wheatear 2, Levaillant’s Cisticola 3, African Reed Warbler 3, Lesser Swamp Warbler 1, Common Fiscal 12, Common Myna 20, Cape Glossy Starling 1, Mossie 18, Southern Masked Weaver 40, Red-billed Quelea 4, Red Bishop 16, Long-tailed Widowbird 60, Common Waxbill 10
Mammal species 3
Cape Fox 1, Yellow Mongoose 1, Spot-throated Otter 2.

Day 2;
Today started at 03.30. Slightly bleary, we started our long drive towards the Kruger National Park. It started getting light shortly beyond Pretoria and was bright before we reached Dullstroom. There is a local dam and campsite behind the village which we looked at quickly. More water meant more reed warblers and so it started again. I have visited the grasslands beyond Dullstroom before and knew it to be a wonderful, but long drive around the suggested circuit. Time here had to be shared with Mount Sheba, so we could not do it the justice it deserved, but during a short foray into the grasslands, Martin found me a couple of lifers in a Red-winged Francolin and a small flock of Bald Ibis. His own burgeoning South Africa list was enhanced with Jackal Buzzard, Senegal Lapwing, Cape Crow, African Pied Starling, Mossie and Cape Canary.
We stopped in for breakfast by a pool in Lydenberg. Alpine Swifts and Red-breasted Swallows joined the White-throated Swallows and Greater Striped Swallows, swooping across the pond, while African Rock Martins swooped across the lawns.
Another debit on our time sheet was the fact that Martin’s bag never did arrive and he needed to do everybody a favour by getting some new underwear. This delay cut even further into our Sheba visit which ended up being less a birding visit and more like a surgical strike.

Bird species; 52
Little Grebe 1, White-breasted Cormorant 2, Long-tailed Cormorant 6, Black-hesded Heron 3, Cattle Egret 40, Squacco Heron 2, Sacred Ibis 6, Bald Ibis 4, Hadeda Ibis 12, Egyptian Goose 6, Spur-winged Goose 4, Yellow-billed Duck 4, Black-shouldered Kite 6, Yellow-billed Kite 2, African Fish Eagle 1, Steppe Buzzard 2, Jackal Buzzard 3, Red-winged Francolin 1, Swainson’s Francolin 2, Tufted Guineafowl 60, Red-knobbed Coot 3, Blacksmith Lapwing 4, Senegal Laowing 2, Crowned Lapwing 3, Wattled Lapwing 2, Grey-headed Gull 5, Speckled Pigeon 1, Red-eyed Dove 4, Ring-necked Dove 8, Laughing Dove 12, African Palm Swift 12, Alpine Swift 2, White-throated Swallow 2, African Rock Martin 2, Greater-striped Swallow 8, Cape Wagtail 2, Cape Robin-chat 2, Common Stonechat 20, Malachite Sunbird 2, Common Fiscal 20, Fork-tailed Drongo 12, Cape Crow 6, Common Myna 6, African Pied Starling 4, Red-winged Starling 2, Mossie 4, Southern Masked Weaver 20, Long-tailed Widowbird 20, Common Waxbill 6, Cape Canary 1, Yellow-fronted Canary 2.
Mammal species; 2
Blesbok 50, Yellow Mongoose 1

On the way in to Mount Sheba, we passed cisticolas which would only have started more time-consuming discussion. Potential Drakensberg Prinias were left to sing their song un-spotted. We did stop quickly a couple of times on the road down through the forest and on the rocky slopes above the resort. We picked up Cape Batis, Black-chested Prinia and Common Bulbul
We yomped quickly round the open areas of the resort accommodations, picking up White-eye, Cape Canary, Natal Francolin and Samango Monkey as we went. We had not seen the real target bird for this site which was the Knysna Turaco, so we nipped into the forest for about 5 minutes. We thought we could hear one calling, but could easily have mistaken it’s guttural croaking for a Samango Monkey. Luckily, there were two turacos in good view and we were joined by a Starred Robin as we watched. Just before we left, we noticed that an Olive Bush-shrike was feeding in a wattlebrush tree beside the car. At the time I didn’t realise that it was a lifer.

Bird list; 19
Natal Francolin 6, Tufted Guineafowl 6, Knysna Turaco 2, African Rock Martin 4, Greater Striped Swallow 6, Cape Longclaw 2, Common Bulbul 4 White-starred Robin 1, Cape Robin-chat 1, Common Stonechat 6, Black-chested Prinia 1, Cape Batis 1, Greater Double-collared Sunbird 1, Cape White-eye 15, Olive Bushshrike 1, Red-winged Starling 6, Pin-tailed Whydah 1, Cape Canary 2, Yellow-fronted Canary 2Mammal list; 3
Chacma Baboon 6, Samango Monkey 6, Grey Rhebok 2There was no time to enjoy it anyway.
There followed a mad dash down the escarpment, onto the lowveld and through the Phabeni Gate into Kruger National Park. We had reserved accommodation at Lower Sabie and would not have time to dawdle if we were to reach there before Rocter, the gate guard, closed up for the night. But it is not easy to pass up sightings of Buffalo, Elephant and White rhino, especially when the Red-billed Ox-peckers were catching the light so well. We found 3 of the “Big 5” within 20 minutes of entering the park, with 4 Elephant sightings.. If it weren’t for the Elephant on the road close to camp, we would have only been a matter of moments late, but there was no way through a herd of mothers with small calves who were walking along the tarmac with no regard for Rocter’s knocking-off time. Not wishing to come between an elephant cow and her suckling calf, we had to wait for an opportune moment to pass and suffer the wrath as Rocter had to unlock the gates for us when we eventually arrived.
Bird list for Kruger has been combined for the whole stay.

Day 3;At last we would have a chance to relax and not be pressed by the clock. An early start would ensure that we had all the time in the world to enjoy the park and to watch the wonderful birds and animals in it. If only that were true.
It was already light and we started the day with Speckled Mousebird, Black-collared Barbet and Red-capped Robin-chat. Out on the river, we could see African Jacana and Egyptian Goose.
After “emergency breakfast”, we started by visiting the Sunset lake just outside of the camp once Rocter had opened the gates at 05.30. Grey Herons were already up and fishing, as was an African Fish Eagle which went through an aerobatic display to catch it’s breakfast.
We crossed the Sabie River via the bridge to the southeast of the camp. An African Harrier Hawk was perched just upstream. During the evening, we had heard some distressing noises coming from just downstream of the camp and wondered if a buffalo had been injured. It would have attracted predators from near and far, but there were no signs to support our theory.
We turned off the tarmac onto an unmade road that would eventually lead us north towards Skukuza camp were we planned to have “proper breakfast”.
A Ratel, or Honey Badger grunted across the road just in front of us. This was my “special moment” that I had waited a long time for. The Ratel is a pugnacious animal, unafraid of other much larger animals and well equipped to defend itself against anything foolish enough to threaten it. The absence of such a character on my mammals list has long been a source of some chagrin and I was thrilled to be able to fix that omission. As it stumbled off towards the rising sun, it flustered a Bronze-winged Courser that had not seen it coming.
Low down in a bush on the left of the road was a bird which caused another identification issue and had us discussing tchagras. The small shrike was obviously from the Tchagra genus, but appeared to be Tchagra tchagra, or the Southern Tchagra. Kruger Park is just too far north for this species and it was in the wrong habitat. The checklist provided by the park does not mention it. So we were left with the realistic conclusion that we were looking at one of the others. With no markings on the back that we could see, we were flummoxed.
Further along, we saw a car pulled up by the side of the road. They happily informed us that we had just missed a cheetah which had been sitting up on an anthill. It had dropped down into the long grass just moments before and was nowhere to be seen.There was a chance that it may have been heading towards a nearby dam and since that dam had a lookout point, so did we.
There was no cheetah there, but a large herd of Zebra came down to drink while we scanned around.
A Mocking Cliff Chat came up to greet us, obviously used to handouts from visitors. The Southern Grey-headed Sparrows were also very approachable. Far off in an acacia tree sat a young Martial Eagle and a small flotilla of White-faced Ducks drifted across the open water.
One Hippo in particular stayed separate from the rest of the herd. I noticed a tiny head surface beside her and wondered if she was keeping the baby out of the rough and tumble that was likely among the press of the larger bodies of the herd.
The rest of the widely spread Zebra herd were still filtering across the road as we made our way northwards towards the promise of “proper breakfast”. Shortly after we left the Zebra, we encountered a large Elephant moving along quite swiftly in the direction that we had just come from. We surmised that he was probably heading for the dam and may make a spectacular photo opportunity, but we were not keen to retrace our steps on the chance that he would perform for us. It was a very big dam and he would approach from the opposite end, about a kilometre from the viewing point.
We stopped for a small herd of Impala, one of which was playing host to a Red-billed Ox-pecker. Further on the Lilac-breasted Roller sat for us. Martin surprised me by suggesting a few improvements that could be made. To a Lilac-breasted Roller? He thought the head too big.
As we approached Skukuza, proper breakfast was fast becoming elevenses, so we decided to stay for lunch while we were there. We had to cross back over the river to get to Skukuza and a herd of male Impala were drinking from a pool beside the bridge. The reflections were too much to resist.
The restaurant at the camp was a popular place for animals to come and watch humans feed. The Vervet Monkeys probably scrounged from the visitors and the birds found pickings on the ground around the tables. We fell among two stools on the Starlings. There were Greater Black-eared Starlings, of that we were sure, but there were also some with magenta coloured bellies which would indicate that they were the southern, lesser version. Once again the park checklist failed to mention the southern lesser and it too was a long way from home. So now we had 3 issues to discuss as soon as we had a moment.
A thatched roof provided shade for diners and a roosting place for bats. A notice in the shade informed us that these were either, Peter’s or Wahlerg’s Bats, probably both. Of course, we can count neither.
After lunch, Martin indulged me while I sought out a few dragonflies in a decorative pond in the camp. Then we visited a hide at Lake Panic. Here we heard that we had just missed a pair of lionesses that had sauntered past the hide. So instead of lions, here is a photo of a dragonfly.
The hide was jammed with people hoping that the lions would come back, but it was a beautiful place to be. Goliath Heron, Grey Heron, Openbill Stork, Pied Kingfisher, Malachite Kingfisher, Brown-hooded Kingfisher and Water Dikkop were all here in a very pretty setting. Well worth a visit if ever you are passing. As we left, vehicles were queuing up to get in.
Our route would take us back to Lower Sabie Camp at a nice moderate pace, but again we got distracted and held up and ended up having to get through some miles to avoid nasty looks from Rocter on the gate. Our distractions this time included a Steppe Eagle, a Striped Cuckoo and a very obliging Red-billed Hornbill. We also added African Hawk-eagle, Black Cuckoo-shrike, Southern Black Tit and Eastern Hooded Oriole to our list. A giraffe adopted the classic drinking pose for us at a small waterhole and a pair of White Rhinos turned back towards us by the roadside.
We stopped at the Sunset Dam just seconds from the camp. We had arrived with only 2 minutes to spare.

Day 4;
By now, it had become obvious that our calculations concerning the relationship between distance and time were ridiculously inaccurate. So we decided to head for the nearest gate to enable us to get back to Johannesberg in time for the flight home. In the worst case scenario, I wanted to be on the road by 10.00. Any later and we were in danger of staying for an extra, unscheduled night and my boss would be cross to say the least. We reckoned that we could afford a very quick look at a spot on the river just 5 kms upstream before heading towards the gate. That direction took us past Sunset Dam where Martin spotted a dead hippo covered in big crocs. We had not seen any crocs here during the previous looks and assume that they must have migrated up from the river when they heard about the hippo. Spotted Hyaenas were hoping to get in on the action too. We spent a few moments taking pictures of the crocs and then a Wood Sandpiper. I am ruing that decision now. A few hundred meters up the road, a cluster of cars had stopped to look at a leopard. Of course by the time we arrived, it had slunk into the reeds and disappeared for good. It was a slightly deflating end to the trip, but we still had to get out of the park. A Yellow-billed Hornbill sat well for us this morning at a hide on the way to Crocodile Bridge Gate. A Crested Barbet was obviously used to human contact and approached very close.
With time bearing down hard now, I was becoming reluctant to stop. But a Steenbok with eyes the size of tennis balls was irresistible and I had been hoping to get a picture of a big Kudu bull all week. Shortly before the gate, I eventually managed that.
At 10.00 exactly, we left the park, but our bird list wasn’t complete yet, we managed to add to it while travelling at speed beyond Nelspruit. A White-collared Raven was on the ground by the road and topped out 4 great days and brought our final tally to 173 bird for the trip, not forgetting 26 mammals.

Bird list; 118
Long-tailed Cormorant 6, Grey Heron 3, Black-headed Heron 1, Goliath Heron 5, Great Egret 1, Little Egret 1, Cattle Egret 8,Hamerkop 1, Yellow-billed Stork 3, Saddle-billed Stork 2, African Openbill 1, Marabou Stork 1, Hadeda Ibis 4, Glossy Ibis 1, African Spoonbill 1, White-faced Whistling Duck12, Egyptian Goose 12, Yellow-billed Duck 6, Yellow-billed Kite 2,African Fish Eagle 2, Hooded Vulture 4, African White-backed Vulture 20, White-headed Vulture 3, Brown Snake Eagle 6, Bateleur 10, African Harrier Hawk 1, Tawny Eagle 2, Steppe Eagle 1, African Hawk-eagle 1 Martial Eagle 2, Crested Francolin 20, Swainson’s Francolin 4, Natal Francolin 8, Stilt 4,Tufted Guineafowl 100, Black Crake 1, African Jacana 3, Black-winged Stilt 4, Water Thick-knee 8, Bronze-winged Courser 1,Blacksmith Lapwing 12, Three-banded Plover 2, Wood Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 2, Ruff 2, Red-eyed Dove 6, Ring-necked Dove 40, Laughing Dove 40, Emerald-spotted Wood Dove 6, Brown-headed Parrot 1, Grey Go-away Bird 24, Levaillant’s Cuckoo 1,Burchell’s Coucal 1, African Palm Swift 12, Little Swift 120, White-rumped Swift 20, Speckled Mousebird 6, Grey-headed Kingfisher 1, Brown-hooded Kingfisher 3, Striped Kingfisher 1, Malachite Kingfisher 1, Giant Kingfisher 3, Pied Kingfisher 4, White-fronted Bee-eater 8, Rufous-crowned Roller 1, Lilac-breasted Roller 8, African Hoopoe 2, Green Woodhoopoe 20, Southern Ground Hornbill 3, Grey Hornbill 6, Southern Red-billed Hornbill 15, Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill 20, Crested Barbet 2, Black-collared Barbet 2, Cardinal Woodpecker 1 European Swallow 8, White-throated Swallow 4, Wire-tailed Swallow 8, Greater Striped Swallow 20, African Pied Wagtail 2, African Pied Wagtail 2, Cape Wagtail 6, Black Cuckoo-shrike 2, Common Bulbul 20, Olive Thrush 3, Cliff Mocking Chat 3, Cape Robin-chat 4, Rufous-capped Robin-chat 1, Tawny-flanked Prinia 6 Cape Crombec 4, Southern Black Flycatcher 6, Arrow-marked Babbler 40, Southern Black-tit 3, Eastern Black-headed Oriole 2, Common Fiscal 12, Magpie Shrike 20, White-crowned Shrike 2, Brubru 2, Black-backed Puffback 4, Black-crowned Tchagra 3, Curly-crested Helmetshrike8, Fork-tailed Drongo 20, White-necked Raven 1, Common Myna 20, Cape Glossy Starling 30, Greater Blue-eared Glossy Starling12, Meve’s Glossy Starling, 2 Burchell’s Glossy Starling 8, African Pied Starling 6, Red-billed Ox-pecker 25, House Sparrow 6, Mossie 8, Red-billed Buffalo-weaver 6, Southern Masked Weaver 20, een-winged Pytilla 3, Jameson’s Firefinch 1, Red-breasted Cordonbleu 8, Cape Canary 2, Yellow-fronted Canary 1.
Mammal list; 20
African Elephant 24, White Rhinoceros 7, Cape Buffalo 12, Kudu 35, Brindled Wildebeest 200, Burchell’s Zebra 400, Impala 800, Banded Mongoose 3, Ratel 1, Giraffe 40, Bushbuck 4, Steenbuck 3, Hipopotamus 60, Hyaena 4, Vervet Monkey 16, Chacma Babboon 8, Warthog 12, Grey Duiker 1, Bushbuck 5, Common Reedbuck 2

For other Pilanesberg posts on Redgannet try the following;

For more posts from Johannesburg,try these links; (Moraletakloof) (Tswaing Crater) (Zaggkuildrift Road) (Marievale, Pilanesberg NP and Rietvlei Nature Reserve) (Pilanesberg)

There are other posts from South Africa here; (Cape Town, Heldeberg, Paarl, Sir Lowry's Pass and Betty's Bay)

Other posts from the great continent of Africa; (Nairobi NP, Kenya) (Lekki Conservation centre, Lagos, Nigeria) (Lagos, Nigeria) (Millenium Park, Abuja, Nigeria) (Nigeria) (Achimota Forest, Labadi Beach, and Aburi Botanical Gardens, Accra, Ghana)

Dragonfly posts are available at; (Cape Town) (Accra, Ghana)